Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
The treble clef and the bass clef - You can think of it as having a clef for each hand because you generally play the notes on the treble clef with your right hand and the notes on the bass clef with your left hand.
Basic Piano Chords
Major Chords
First, let's take a look at the major chords. Major chords are made of the 1st, 3rd and 5th note of the major scale. C major scale consists of the following notes: C,D,E,F,G,A,B, and C. All these are white keys on the keyboard(natural notes); there are no flats or sharps in a C major scale.
To make the C major chord, you take the first note of the C major scale (C), the third note (E), and the fifth note (G). The C-major chord is - C E G.
Remember, major chords are written as the uppercase letter of the root note. So C major is written as C.
Minor Chords
Minor chords are very similar. They are written with the letter name of the root note, plus a lower case m. Minor chords are made of the 1st, lowered 3rd, and 5th note of the scale. To get from major to minor all you need to do is move the middle note down half a step.
Basic Piano Chords
Here is a list of the most basic major and minor chords. The symbol # indicates a sharp note, while the b indicates a flat note.
Major chords
C - C E G
D - D F# A
E - E G# B
F - F A C
G - G B D
A - A C# E
Minor Chords
Cm - C Eb G
Dm - D F A
Em - E G B
Fm - F,Ab,C
Gm - G,Bb,D
Am - A, C, E
Piano Keys
We need to start the music theory sharps with the notes that are used in modern music. There are 7 basic note names.
The 7 note names are:
These notes are repeated over and over again on the staff or a keyboard and modified for chord or scale conditions. We will use an octave of the keyboard to explore sharps and flats.
The sharps and flats are shown on the staff lines with these symbols.
Also note that the when you identify a sharp or flat that with in a measure if you what to go back to the natural note then you use the symbol (
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